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When I first stepped into its headquarters, I knew Socialpoint was my place! Years after, that feeling has nothing but increased. Socialpoint has not only given me the trust to set up the Global Mobility service but also the freedom to explore other fields that I was very interested in. Here, I'm constantly learning and growing, and I understand how my job contributes to the business. The brilliant professionals I met when I joined are now friends too, and together, we cooperate, embrace new challenges, and of course, give it our all on the dancefloor at our legendary parties!

Garazi Zarraga

Relocation Coordinator

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Socialpoint animated logo. It swirls fading out and comes back to appear and stay at the same state.

Carrer de Llacuna 166 - 10th floor

08018 Barcelona

T. +34 93 181 40 98